Marc Anthony once said “if you do what you love you’ll never work a day in your life” that is why I believe if you have true passion and dedication for tech you will succeed in everything that you do. And true success does not only mean succeeding at everything that you do, but also the times when you do fail but learn from it.
Remofilwe Moeti
Remofilwe is career driven, she studied Diploma in Application Develpment and has participated in various hackaton to build her programming skills. she is not only career driven but also activist who make sure that human rights are promoted, impeded, and well applied in social, political, economic, or environmental reform with the desire to make changes in society toward a perceived greater good. She has participated in The Barefoot Campaign, where they raised awareness of rape and human trafficking and supported sexual assault survivors.
The campaign was collaborative with the Thuthuzela Care Center (Kimberley), which is a one-stop facility that has been introduced as a critical part of South Africa's anti-rape strategy, aiming to reduce secondary victimization, and A Place Called Home, a non-profit organization that offers shelter and support to abused women and their children. She also ran a donation program where they collected clothes, toys, books, and toiletries.
Remofilwe is very passionate about helping others feel safe everywhere and in every aspect of their lives. She is now the secretary of HMM's Women in Mining committee (WiM), which forms part of WiMSA, a forum that is dedicated to supporting, empowering, and developing the progression of women working in the South African mining industry. They spread awareness about problems impacting women at work and at home and coordinate wellness and GBV awareness campaigns. She was also a deputy chairperson of the Geekulcha student society at Sol Plaatje University.
She has experienced a lot of amazing things in my tech career. In her second year of studying, my group and I designed a website for a local business, Dragon House Sushi Bar. It was my first website, and it was the most incredible feeling. Then inher third year, she designed an app for my third-year project. A dating app which was like Tinder but would only allow SPU students to create an account. It was the most stressful period of her life. One minute the code would work and the next minute it wouldn’t.
Every geek has had this experience then when you finally did get it to run, you would be super proud of yourself because you did that. I remember when I was presenting the app to the panel of judges my laptop crashed halfway through. I cried that whole day thinking I had failed the module. When I got the marks, I had gotten 73%. My lecturer said it was because they were impressed with what little I did show them. Until this day I am hurt because I could have gotten 90% or so if they had seen the whole thing. I am proud of that invention.
There are other interesting projects I have worked on for hackathons, another one close to her heart is the smart surveillance project. The project did deals with instead of normal cctv cameras we have smart surveillance in the sense that if a crime is taking place. The cameras alert the police in real time of the crime taking place. There was a lot of questions with this particular project that we still need to work on.
The work of Remofilwe Moeti
Developed website Dragon House Sushi bar
Developed a dating app for third year project
developed NCDev hack Smart surveillans system
Developed a Library system for information system module
Aided Safety Department in its efforts to promote awareness of HIV/AIDS on World Aids Day.
Raised awareness of the 16 Days of Activism program by collaborating with SAPS, the Department of Transport, and Safety.