Geekulcha and Embassy of Finland Pretoria Partnership
Here is an outline of what Geekulcha has done with Embassy of Finland Pretoria in the tech/digital ecosystem. As a player in International / Deplomatic, Embassy of Finland Pretoria is seen as a strategic for the partnership to help grow the Geek Culture.
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About Embassy of Finland Pretoria
The task of the Embassy of Finland in Pretoria is to promote Finland's national interests abroad and to supervise interests and rights of the Finnish citizens in South Africa. The Embassy maintains contact between South African and Finnish officials and makes our strengths known not only in South Africa but also in the so called accredited countries: Botswana, Lesotho and Mauritius. These duties are managed together with the network of Honorary Consuls.
South Africa is Finland's number one partner in trade in Africa. Finland is striving to deepen bilateral relations with South Africa through sustainable partnerships especially in the fields of innovation, climate and environmental issues, education and entrepreneurship, in line with the 2009 Declaration of Intent on Deepening Bilateral Relations and Strengthening Partnerships.

Partnership Programmes
CodeBus 2017