Geekulcha and Eastern Cape Office of the Premier Partnership

Here is an outline of what Geekulcha has done with Eastern Cape Office of the Premier in the tech/digital ecosystem. As a player in Government, Eastern Cape Office of the Premier is seen as a strategic for the partnership to help grow the Geek Culture.

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About Eastern Cape Office of the Premier

The mission of the Eastern Cape Office of the Premier is to ensure responsive, integrated and sustainable service delivery to all in the Eastern Cape through strategic leadership, critical interventions and coordinated effective provincial government.

The constitutional mandate of the Premier provides the Premier and the Executive Council the authority over a province by implementing provincial legislation in the province; implementing all national legislation within the functional areas listed in Schedule 4, except where the Constitution or an Act of Parliament provides otherwise; administering national legislation outside the functional areas listed in Schedules 4 and 5, that which has been assigned to the provincial executive in terms of an Act of Parliament; developing and implementing provincial policy; coordinating the functions of the provincial administration and its departments; preparing and initiating provincial legislation; and performing any other function assigned to the provincial executive in terms of the Constitution or an Act of Parliament.

The strategic goals of the Premier are to coordinate institutional transformation of the provincial government towards the building of a developmental state; coordinate and integrate service delivery in the province; strengthen good governance, cooperative governance and public participation; and position the Office of the Premier as a strategic leader and effective centre of coordination of service delivery in the province.

Partnership Programmes

Provincial Hackathon of the Telkom Learn Hackathon series.